Saturday, June 16, 2007

Al Ain- Day 4 Wednesday

Ok, I'm a bit behind, it's actually Day 7, but here goes:

Day four in Al Ain, I'm sick as a dog.


'Nuff Said.

We went to have luch with Khalifa's uncle Abdullah. He's a cool old dood. We had a giant plate of rice and a roasted goat. there were two goat heads on there (not good for me achin' stomache) and apparently, as the guest, you are supposed to break open the goat's head. I think this is so that as the guest you can make sure that you're eating goat and not a dog or something. I got a picture or two. YUM!

All of the family came by because Americans are pretty special and they all wanted to take a gander at us.

Tomorrow will be the wedding, so I'm trying to rest up and get my strength back.

I'm a little paranoid because I haven't really been eating a lot. I try everything, I'm no coward, but today especially, my appetite is very poor. Arabs like to see their guests eat lots and lots, and burp and shove food in their faces and make a big mess, and well, I'm just too westernized to be good at this. So, I'm hoping that I'm not offending them. I'm sure they will forgive me if I do.

My father and I went cruising around with one of Khalifa's friends, Ahmed, in the evening. I was having a hard time keeping it together, but one thing that was funny is that he kept calling me Mr. Smith.

Al Ain is a beautiful city, inland from Dubai and closer to Oman. The nice thing is that it isn't as humid so lots of poeple like to come here to stay as it's quieter and more comfortable. If you ever plan on coming to the gulf, which I highly suggest, try coming in the winter.

That's it for today. Note from the future-- I will be feeling much better soon. ;P


Seth said...


the search said...

That's what she said.

I do think there is a camel baby growing inside of me though