Saturday, July 7, 2007

An Honest Endeavor

Ok, it is now undeniable that I am back in the United States, and what's worse, my blog is barely half finished. I'm missing photographs, video caps, and I haven't even gotten to the last leg of my trip.

So, for the sake of honesty, I will admit to you, my humble and faithful reader that this is no longer the fresh spring chicken of today, but the mouldering remembrances of two weeks ago. Forgive me, but understand it's all or nothing now, and you can either hear the end of my tale or dismiss me as a craven lout.

From this point on I will continue to put my memories down in the order I experienced them. Some post might be genuine (having been typed in Jordan and posted here days later) and some posts may be fabricated on the spot with only my tattered memory and digital photographs to carry their truth.

Please understand there was never any intention to mislead you....

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