Thursday, July 19, 2007

Amman -Day 14 Suha's clubhouse and family

After a little break at Al Manar hotel, we caught a cab to visit our friend Suha at her Computer Clubhouse. This is the point at which I need to tell you all a bit about the Intel Computer Clubhouse Network and the job Suha and I do.

Here's the link to the official site if'n y'all want: :-P

The Clubhouse is a place for disadvantaged youth to get a head start on computers and technology by learning through creativity and innovative play. We have music recording, video, digital photography and Photoshop, flash and other 2-D and 3-D animation, game making, and a host of other digital gems. The clubhouse network was developed by Intel and the Boston Museum of Science and there are locations all over the world. There are numerous opportunities for the different coordinators to meet, though traveling abroad is, of course, all on my own dime. The beautiful think is that I can go almost anywhere in the US or abroad and know someone.
There is also a clubhouse in Rumullah and the coordinator, Rana invited us to visit, but the situation there wasn't good for traveling and we had limited time and funds as well.

SOOOO, without going to far into detail about the clubhouse, I went to Jordan to visit Suha and see how her clubhouse and kids work. It was pretty great. First of all, her members are WAY more well behaved than mine. The difference is night and day. Secondly, they are Adobe Flash masters. Thirdly, well, it was just a beautiful experience and I wish I could have stayed much longer.

Since I don't really know what to say about it, I'll post some photos...

Here's a nice pic of the members in Jordan. This is pretty common to the types of projects the kids do. A lot of my members like to take their face and paste it onto someone else's body. Some like to change backgrounds or have themselves sitting in a car or mix up some anime characters into a collage. One thing that all of these kids seem to like is Anime. The girls at suha's clubhouse had amazing drawing and animating skill.

Princess Basma center was built by King Hussein II, I think, for his mom. She was apparently a big advocate for women's rights and in honor of her, King Hussein II built this center. The clubhouse is one of a number of programs in this building most of which are focused on women's empowerment and equity.

Here's Suha in her office. On the walls around her are more examples of member art projects. She gave us a number of greeting cards her members had made for Ramadan. It's a great idea to make something like that--very niche.

Here am I standing next to a dead computer. I think I had gestured at looking at it, but things went to quickly for me to do anything but say, "Ahh...oooh." More examples of art on the walls. I think the one highest on the pillar is a picture of the current Queen Rania. I'm jealous... they have a map. You can also see all of the computers around the room. They are set up in a way that is supposed to promote interactivity between the members rather than privacy.

Me and Suha

After the clubhouse we walked down the street to Suha's house for dinner. Someone said this neighborhood wasn't that nice,but I couldn't tell. Compared to Roger's Park this place is paradise, well, without the greenery.

Suha's mother and sister cooked for us one of the best meals we'd had the whole time. I had about 3 pounds of stuffed grape leaves I think. After dinner we retired to the TV room for some tea and then we went outside. Basically, there was a lot of meeting the family members and pleasant conversation. Eventually, I was mobbed by the children because kids love me. :)

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